The Ionix Store

Welcome to The Ionix Store

The Ionix Store has all the graphic arts, wood finishing, auto refinishing, plastics cleanup and product finishing Ionix Static Eliminators and Ionix Gas Technologies products for easy ordering at your convenience 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

We can provide expedites shipping. In comments request the expedited method you desire, be sure to include a telephone number we can contact you and we will attempt to provide you with expedited shipping if possible.

You can always call us toll free in North America at 800-246-1784 and speak to a live customer service representative from 9AM to 4PM EST.

If you are replacing an Ionix Static Eliminator, the Ionix model number is written in red ink on the bottom right corner of the Ionix product label. Once you have the Ionix model number you can proceed to the Shop Static Eliminators page and place your order.

If you do not know the Ionix Static Eliminator model or part number, please visit

For product information for Ionix Gas Products, please visit

We now have a store exclusively set up for our Gas Products. Please visit

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